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Monday, 31 May 2010

Ubiquitous Casinos in Macau vs 2 S'pore Casinos

On a recent visit to Macau I cannot help noticing the ubiquitous casinos said to number about 30 odd - they are just like the shopping centres we have in Singapore. I asked our tour guide who are the patrons of the casinos - she said mainly Chinese from the Mainland. I asked her what about the local population. She said she, as a working mother including many of her contemporaries will not dare step inside as they are mindful of the danger of gambling. According to her the locals who visit the casinos are (surprise!surprise!) the retirees who have the money & time!!! In S'pore we have 2 casinos & you know what? I salute the Government for its ingenious idea of collecting the Levy which as at today stands at $70 million translated to $280 million yearly revenue for the Government not counting the taxes on the profits of the casinos. The casino patrons are 50:50 citizens(including permanent residents)& non-citizens. The 2 casinos employ more than 16,000 workers,70 per cent of whom are our local people. My only worry is for our retirees - they should not be lured by the casinos just because they have the time and money.

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