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Sunday, 24 July 2011

A Gauge Of Singaporeans' Political Maturity & Sophistication

The clock is ticking and the Elected Presidency election will visit us soon.  There are many noises, views, propositions, arguments, etc. made about this "uniquely and ever-evolving Singapore Institution"  The Constitution has laid out very clearly the duties and the powers of the Elected President.  Since it is the highest office in the land, the entry requirements of aspiring candidates have to be precise and very stringent.  Not any Tom, Dick or Harry can just take a pot shot at the job denigrating its status. That is why Presidential hopefuls have to apply to the Presidential Election Committe for the Certificate of Eligibility.  So far and if I may make a calculated guess only 2 hopefuls are qualified.  Only 1 has the stature and temperament for the Post.  I hope Singaporeans will do their homework and exercise their vote wisely, consciously and appropriately and show to the world that indeed we have matured politically and are indeed sophisticated!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Belief, Sacrifice And Independence.

I was deeply touched and heartened when I read the ST Interview of the civil service veteran Mr Philip Yeo on 13 July 2011.  Speaking of the limited Government Scholarships available, he said, I quote "Because if you live in a bungalow, do you really need a scholarship?  Government money is finite."  Many ordinary Singapore families will think it is within their right and entitlement to apply for such Scholarships for their children even though they can afford them.  But Mr Yeo' s children's overseas expenses came from his own pocket although his 2 children qualified for the Scholarships.  His belief and his sacrifice for the more needy and deserving children in the heartlands deserves Singaporeans notice and admiration!  I wonder how many of our Ministers' children are on Government's Scholarships.  It will not speak well of their belief and values system considering the Million Dollars salaries they draw yearly! With the impending Elected Presidency Election getting closer, I will be voting for a President - mind you all 3 candidates professing their "Independence" - who possesses such inherent qualities of belief, sacrifice and independence that all Singaporeans can be proud of!  This is what I hope for the next level of excellence for the Elected President!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The Elected Presidency - Vote For A Candidate With Conviction.

The coming Presidential Election is getting interesting in many ways.  The 3 candidates have excellent credentials: one was a former Minister, another a former MP and the other a former CEO of an insurance co-operative.  The one thing in common of all 3 is that all were former members of the Ruling Party.  Of course each candiate has his own supporters and detractors.  As a voter you must do your own homework and vote for a candidate with conviction.  Speaking for myself I will choose a person who is humble, has integrity, decorum, quiet confidence and an upright and strong character who will not "panic" when facing a crisis. Human nature is unpredictable.  A person when voted into the highest office in the land  may not turn out what he promises to be and claims he can do for the people! There is one person I secretly held in high esteem and greatly admired and who I think is qualified for the appointment. He was a former top civil servant and who I consider a "Mandarin" par excellence.  His views and opinion have ruffled many feathers in the Establishment.  If only I can persuade him here in this space but alas! I know he is not interested in the post!